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Achieving our shared goals requires that everyone does their part — our community partners, non-profit groups, the private sector, academia, educators, trainers, labor unions, and more. Each of them can use this plan as a platform for action to: advance specific policies and solutions; form coalitions; drive and demonstrate change from within; engage the newly formed Climate Emergency Commission; educate and empower the local community; and track progress and report annually.

Renewable Energy
Local Water
Clean and Healthy Buildings
Housing and Development
Mobility and Public Transit
Zero Emission Vehicles
Industrial Emissions and Air Quality Monitoring
Waste and Resource Recovery
Food Systems
Urban Ecosystems and Resilience
Prosperity and Green Jobs
Lead by Example

Renewable Energy

Solar Powered Homes and Jobs

GRID Alternatives Greater Los Angeles has installed solar panels at no cost on the homes of almost 2000 low-income families. This work has not only lowered utility bills and displaced dirtier energy sources, but also provided job training to hundreds of individuals. In 2019, GRID Alternatives will help its 500th trainee get a solar job, install over 1 MW of solar on single- and multi-family buildings, and provide low-income L.A. families with over $5,000,000 in lifetime savings while avoiding over 10,000 tons of carbon emissions. Its newly-formalized Solar Jobs Second Chances initiative has helped 200 reentry individuals gain skills and employment after release from incarceration.

College Campuses as Living Laboratories for Renewable Energy

The Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) is incorporating sustainability into its $9.6 billion investment in modernizing and renovating its 9 colleges in Los Angeles county. So far, LACCD has installed over 10 MW of solar energy resulting in savings of over $10 million. These solar installations provide additional benefits by serving as a living lab for students enrolled in Renewable Energy Programs such as those offered through the Los Angeles Trade-Tech College. Going forward, LACCD is committed to featuring renewable generation at all of its campuses.

Local Water

Safer, Healthier Beaches

Heal the Bay’s Annual Beach Report Card has been an important element of the Sustainable City pLAn’s local water goals since its inception. Heal the Bay recently expanded this work by developing a new application, NowCast, which provides real-time grades for 20 beaches along the Pacific Coast. Through this transparent, accurate and accessible water quality data, the public and the City can better respond to and improve upon the health and safety of our beautiful beaches.

Improving Access to Drinking Water

WeTap’s app helps make public drinking fountains easy to find and access, reducing our dependence on single-use water bottles. WeTap plans to engage volunteers in assessing hydration stations across the City of Los Angeles to identify those needing repair and areas where fountains could be installed. As a founding member of Tap Water Day, WeTap will participate in annual celebrations of the progress made on tap water access and public drinking fountains.

A Model for Stormwater Capture and Habitat

A new project under development by The Nature Conservancy will offer a model for achieving local water quality and supply that also delivers multibenefit habitat restoration and public access, demonstrating what the future of the Los Angeles River could be. The Los Angeles River Habitat Restoration & Stormwater Capture Project will be located near the Rio De Los Angeles State Park with an expected completion date of 2022.

Clean and Healthy Buildings

Modernizing L.A.’s Buildings to Achieve Ambitious Goals

The L.A. Better Buildings Challenge (LABBC) is catalyzing the modernization of L.A.’s buildings. Working with policymakers, industry, and advocacy groups, LABBC has set an ambitious goal of engaging 1,000 buildings (150 million sq.ft.) by 2025 to meet the Building Energy Use targets in the Sustainable City pLAn. LABBC also partners with the City in operating the EBEWE resource center.

Expanding Access to Energy Efficiency Benefits

Multifamily buildings present tremendous opportunity for energy efficiency improvements but also program challenges due to complex ownership structures, utility bill payment responsibilities, and lack of capital for upfront costs. The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and the Energy Efficiency for All Coalition is partnering with LABBC to expand outreach efforts to support an additional 150 affordable multifamily properties per year in communities with the highest energy use intensity, targeting 15% energy and 20% water use reductions. NRDC and LABBC estimate that these efforts will save low-income residents more than $800,000 in annual utility costs, while also increasing health and comfort and directly supporting the Sustainable City pLAn’s goals around energy efficiency, equity, and greenhouse gas emissions reduction.

Building a Zero-Emissions Future in California

The Building Decarbonization Coalition (BDC) is uniting building energy stakeholders, energy providers, environmental organizations and local governments to accelerate development of zero-emission homes and buildings in California. In A Roadmap to Decarbonizing California’s Buildings, BDC lays out a plan to dramatically cut carbon emissions from buildings. BDC is also rolling out statewide consumer education and contractor accreditation programs, while helping governments work together with builders, contractors, and designers on the transition to zero-emission buildings.

A Technology Accelerator for LA Developments

In 2019, The U.S. Green Building Council-Los Angeles will launch a Net Zero Accelerator focused on the building technologies to help make zero carbon, zero energy, zero water, and zero waste buildings a reality for the region. The accelerator will source startups with an emphasis on placing pilots with building partners at the end of the program, working closely with industry to address business model and technical issues with these innovative companies before they get to market. In this first year, the program will look to graduate a minimum of five startups.

Housing and Development

A Carbon Neutral Transformation in Building Stock

Kilroy Realty Corporation committed to achieving carbon neutral operations for its entire 13.2 million square foot portfolio by 2020. For Los Angeles, this translates to 2+ million existing and under-construction square feet. Such a commitment is the first of its kind among real estate companies in North America, and programs, such as onsite energy efficiency and renewables projects, are already underway to meet this ambitious goal by year-end 2020.

Dignified Housing for Angelenos

The People Concern provides ​a fully integrated system of care, including housing and ​wrap-around supportive services social services to homeless individuals, survivors of domestic violence, challenged youth, and others who have nowhere else to turn across Los Angeles. ​The People Concern was selected as the service provider for the Mayor's first A Bridge Home site, El Puente, which opened in September 2018 and is located in El Pueblo. Residents were selected from the nearby community ​and are provided ​temporary, dignified housing that is paired with tailored, ​holistic supportive services ​that empower individuals to rebuild their lives and contribute to their community. The goal of The People Concern is to bring equity to Los Angeles by making sure every Angeleno is housed, healthy and safe.

Fostering Sustainable Equitable Development

Enterprise Community Partners fosters community improvement from the ground up to ensure all residents can live in affordable homes in thriving, healthy and resilient communities with access to greater opportunities and increased economic prosperity. In Los Angeles County, Enterprise provides grants and technical assistance for multi-sector, joint-development projects and lead a regional peer network on sustainable, equitable development in gentrifying, low-income communities. Enterprise is now partnering with the City of Los Angeles to support their priorities of advancing the retrofit and preservation of affordable multifamily properties to increase water and energy efficiency, earthquake safety, and community resilience—a further step to ensuring that all Angelenos can live in safe, affordable, resilient homes and neighborhoods.

Mobility and Public Transit

Changing the Landscape of the First/Last Mile

LA-Más is an urban-design non-profit that works with lower-income and underserved communities to shape the growth of their own neighborhoods. One example of their collaborative approach is the Go Ave 26 project located next to the Lincoln/Cypress station on the Metro Gold Line. This project creatively addresses first/last mile issues by integrating seating, murals, transit wayfinding and other designs to make getting to and from public transit hubs along Avenue 26 easier, safer and more welcoming. LA-Más is now working on sidewalk policy to make sure communities across LA can implement similar projects in their neighborhoods.

Taking to the Road for Active Transportation

East Yard Communities for Environmental Justice (EYCEJ) runs the Ride on All Roads (ROAR) program, which promotes active transportation, like cycling, in disadvantaged communities. ROAR helps demystify riding on the streets and teaches participants about leadership and self-advocacy on environmental justice issues, especially related to zero emissions transportation. EYCEJ has quarterly Toxic Tour Rides and maintains a fleet of bikes for participants to use. The organization plans to continue this engagement and expand participation.

Innovative and Equitable Solutions to Accessing Public Transit

In January 2019, the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority partnered with ride-hailing company Via on a pilot project connecting individuals to public transit. Riders living near three Metro stations - El Monte, Artesia, and North Hollywood - can be transported to a station for $1.75 with a TAP card or for free for those who already use Metro’s low-income subsidy programs. The goal of the pilot program is to make it easier for customers to use public transit and open up the benefits of app-based ride hailing to a wider audience. Over the year, data will be gathered to assess the pilot program’s effectiveness and inform future program feasibility.

Bridging Community Expertise with Transit

Planning People for Mobility Justice (PMJ) educates, facilitates and advocates for equitable transportation options across all communities. They engage directly with affected communities and other Community Based Organizations to advocate for just transportation access among government and transit planning agencies. In addition, PMJ offers regular, bilingual, culturally-relevant bike safety classes and rides that serve low-income populations in L.A. county. Future work includes offering an educational program called Hood Planners Certification and broadening their policy impact at the local, state and national level.

Zero Emission Vehicles

Bringing Electric Vehicles to All Communities

The emPOWER outreach campaign, overseen by the Liberty Hill Foundation, provides funding for community-based organizations to connect low-income residents in disadvantaged communities to energy- and money-saving programs. With the goal of increasing electric vehicle use in disadvantaged communities, one area of focus is offering significant rebates (potentially up to $14,000) to individuals or families to purchase new or used electric vehicles. Working with Pacoima Beautiful in the Northeast San Fernando Valley, SCOPE in South LA and Union de Vecinos in Boyle Heights, the emPOWER campaign is looking holistically at the resources available to Los Angeles’ most vulnerable residents to help reduce emissions in areas hit hardest by pollution to ensure everyone’s right to a clean energy future.

Transitioning Goods Movement to a Zero Emissions Source

As part of an effort to transition the goods movement sector to zero emissions, the Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator (LACI), in collaboration with the California Air Resources Board, the California Energy Commission, and the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, issued a Request for Information (RFI) for Zero Emission Trucks, Pilots and Infrastructure for Goods Movement, receiving responses from nearly 40 companies leading in this sector. Responses to the RFI will inform and shape pilots, as well as identify gaps and potential solutions to dramatically reduce carbon and air pollution in the Greater LA Region. LACI will share the RFI results with stakeholders in spring 2019.

Innovative Last-Mile Delivery Solutions

URB-E, an LA county based company, is helping transition last-mile goods delivery with a zero emissions, foldable electric scooter. Working with local businesses and global corporations, URB-E takes delivery vans off the streets, thus reducing congestion and emissions in communities. During the 2018 holiday season, URB-E piloted a project in LA with a large logistics company resulting in 15 delivery vans being taken off the road. Going forward, URB-E is working to expand this project to one that is year round.

Connecting Innovators to Increase the Zero-Emissions Bus Fleet

CALSTART is a nonprofit membership consortium working to grow the clean, high-tech transportation industry by connecting private industry leaders and government agency innovators. In Los Angeles and the San Fernando Valley, CALSTART is supporting a rapid expansion of the DASH bus system. This effort will result in expanded services and new routes, increasing ridership by 90% by reducing wait times for a ride on 100% of its existing routes in 28 communities across Los Angeles. The effort will add 112 battery-electric zero-emission buses to the DASH fleet creating more efficient connections to regional bus and regional rail services.

Industrial Emissions and Air Quality Monitoring

Uniting to Clean the Air

Clean Air Day is built on the idea that shared experiences unite people to action. The inaugural Clean Air Day in 2018 resulted in 100,000+ day-of participants who engaged in an action related to improving our air quality. Building off of this engagement, 76% of those who took the pledge encouraged friends to participate. The goal in 2019 is to achieve 10% participation regionally.

Reducing Pollution through Community Action

Communities for a Better Environment is the recipient of an AB 617 Community Air Grant through the California Air Resources Board that will go toward launching a capacity, skills-building and education program in Southeast LA County and Wilmington. The overarching goal of the project is to support community participation in order to effectively engage in decision-making that will achieve cumulative emissions reductions at the local level, something EJ communities have long sought.

A Community Park for Public Health Improvements

Legacy LA was awarded over $380,000 from the California Air Resources Board to develop air pollution reduction measures to improve air quality, reduce community exposure to criteria air pollutants and improve public health at the Ramona Gardens housing development. The project involves building a coalition of stakeholders and partnerships, facilitating community interaction with government agencies, and writing action plans integrating findings from technical analysis and community member recommendations. This input and engagement will help support the construction of a Natural Park along the 10-Freeway as a pollution mitigation system to improve air quality and public health for residents.

An Air Quality Academy in South Central LA

Physicians for Social Responsibility-Los Angeles (PSR-LA) is the recipient of a $500,000 CARB grant to launch an air quality academy called the South Central LA: Project to Understand the Sources of Air Pollution and Health Impacts (SCLA-PUSH). This project is a collaborative effort between PSR-LA and Strategic Concepts in Organizing and Policy Education, Community Health Councils, USC, Occidental College and the works LA, to better understand air quality and health impacts in South Central Los Angeles, by strengthening the knowledge and capacity of local residents, to identify the sources and character of air pollution in their community. Residents will collect data through ground-truthing and local air quality monitoring, and will analyze the data and related health impacts in collaboration with academic partners. Based on this reporting, SCLA-PUSH will advocate for environmentally just policies that reduce harm stemming from cumulative impacts and the historic overexposure to toxic air pollutants.

Waste and Resource Recovery

Closing the Loop on Food Waste

LA Compost supports community scale composting through programs such as educational workshops, household organics drop off locations, and community compost hubs. Since its creation, LA Compost has diverted over 500 tons of food scraps from landfills to be composted for use at urban farms, parks, gardens, and homes. Compost Managers, who live and work within the neighborhoods they serve, are trained in best management practices for healthy and safe composting at community hubs. By the end of 2019, LA Compost will increase its capacity to divert 70 additional tons of food "waste" to total 570 tons annually – the equivalent of removing 85.5 cars off the road each year – and will continue to expand its workforce and commitment to community wellbeing.

Promoting Change at the Workplace

L.A. LIVE’s food and materials diversion program, Green Star, provides diversion training to all new kitchen and housekeeping employees at campus restaurants and offices. Exemplary employees who consistently divert food and materials in the workplace are rewarded with their picture being featured on the “Wall of Green Stars” as well as with movie and sporting game tickets. The L.A. LIVE management team is currently working with its waste hauler, NASA, to measure progress and set specific goals on increasing waste diversion.

Reusing Materials from the Big Screen

EcoSet Consulting is an environmental production service implementing zero waste standards for productions and events. Their ReDirect service is an alternative to standard disposals, keeping tons of sets and creative waste out of landfills. EcoSet's Material Oasis reuse center leverages the production process to facilitate the reusing and repurposing of discarded materials. Items such as set walls, scenic elements, construction materials, props, set dressing, and art supplies are recirculated to schools, nonprofits, filmmakers, theaters and artists at no cost to them. EcoSet has already diverted 1,225 tons of waste and plans to expand their ReDirect service to intake and recirculate more materials from TV shows, feature films, events and other types of production.

Food Systems

Bringing Affordable, Healthy Food to Low-Income Communities

COMPRA Foods was developed through a partnership between the Los Angeles Food Policy Council and Leadership for Urban Renewal Network (LURN). It serves as an alternative food distribution system for small grocers and convenience stores in “food desert” neighborhoods in Los Angeles. Through this program, tens of thousands of residents in low-income communities like South Los Angeles and MacArthur Park now have access to affordable produce and healthy foods. COMPRA is expanding to the Southeast cities of L.A. County including South Gate. Future goals include making COMPRA a self-sustaining program while growing its workforce and network.

Turning Concrete into Gardens

The Environmental Media Association (EMA) supports 20 L.A. school gardens located in underserved communities through its Green My Schools program. The program helps transform urban school concrete into edible gardens by engaging and training teachers and students in the process. Through this connection to the outdoors, students are making healthier food choices and building confidence and leadership skills. EMA plans to add more edible gardens to schools throughout L.A. County and develop a garden tool kit for schools to easily implement their own program.

Transforming Neighborhood Markets into Healthy Food Champions

The Los Angeles Food Policy Council’s Healthy Neighborhood Market Network (HNMN) builds the capacity of neighborhood small market owners in underserved communities to operate as healthy food retailers. Best Market recently underwent a renovation to become Skid Row People’s Market, now stocked with fresh fruits and vegetables. The transformation was led by second-generation store owner Danny Park, whose family has owned and operated the market as a convenience store for 24 years. HNMN has teamed up with Gensler Architecture firm and Build Group Construction to complete the next transformation project, Lupita’s Market in the Westlake neighborhood, which will reopen this summer to offer healthier food options.

Where Education, Training, and Community Come Together

Through their Community Garden Program, Safe Place for Youth (SPY) provides homeless and/or at-risk youth with a safe and engaging outdoor environment that highlights food justice, community building, and healing. Onsite garden internships and educational workshops provide youth with workforce development opportunities while cultivating greater self-esteem, self-sufficiency, and connections to their community. Additionally, SPY’s Community Garden Program includes workshops for community members and youth, quarterly farm meals open to the public, plant sales, and a youth farmer’s market. In support of creating a more equitable and sustainable city, SPY will work to expand the Community Garden Program.

Urban Ecosystems and Resilience

Planting the Seed to Transform L.A.

Grown in L.A. (GiLA) is working to transform underutilized land in L.A. into a network of nurseries designed to produce the plants needed for green infrastructure projects. Working collaboratively with groups such as Seed LA and The Nature Conservancy, GiLA is streamlining seed collection efforts, and helping to start nurseries at Griffith Park and other, and public properties around the region. GiLA has begun developing and piloting educational programs for schools and plans to work with partners to develop vocational training that could be offered to youth corps, veterans and other Angelenos.

Improving Public Health by Cooling the Streets

The L.A. Urban Cooling Collaborative (LAUCC) is an interdisciplinary group of researchers, practitioners and government agencies led by TreePeople that focuses on reducing heat-related illness and death through increased vegetation coverage. By modeling climate and public health data, LAUCC is working to identify optimal "prescriptions" of increased tree cover and reflectivity of roofs and pavements in order to protect communities. The group is currently working on developing healing "prescriptions" on smaller geographic areas, including in the city of L.A.

Let's Walk to the Park!

The Trust for Public Land, National Recreation and Park Association, and Urban Land Institute have led a nationwide effort to ensure everyone is just a 10 minute walk away from a great park. The City of L.A. has participated in the 10-Minute Walk Campaign since its inception in 2017 and was recently awarded $40,000 to support planning and policy efforts to increase access to high-quality, close-to-home parks and public green space.

Prosperity and Green Jobs

AccelerateLA Ecommerce Initiative

Small business owners will be assisted through a series of workshops designed to equip them with ecommerce strategies and tools at Shopify’s new downtown L.A. location. In addition to workshops, Shopify offers one-on-one consultation and product prototyping to help entrepreneurs start and build ecommerce business models such as ecommerce for manufacturers, print on demand, point of sale, and website audits.

Excellence in the EV Infrastructure Workforce

The Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Training Program provides advanced training and certification for over 3,000 electrical workers who install electric vehicle charging infrastructure. The curriculum was developed working collaboratively with automakers, charger manufacturers, educational institutions, utility companies, and electrical industry professionals. These courses are taught at California community colleges via their Advanced Transportation Technology and Energy Program Network, as well as state certified electrical apprenticeships such as IBEW's Net Zero Plus Electrical Training Institute located locally. Going forward, the goal is to increase both participation and courses offered through this program to meet the increasing demand caused by a zero emission transportation transformation region-wide.

Using Our Port as an Innovation Hub

AltaSea at the Port of Los Angeles is a 35-acre waterfront campus focused on ocean-inspired scientific collaboration, job creation, and education. Its Research and Business Hubs serve as a marine-based “Silicon Valley,” nurturing scientific breakthroughs and emerging technologies, creating ocean-related products, services, and supporting local jobs. Over the next year, AltaSea will complete construction on the 180,000 square foot Center of Innovation that will be fully leased to ocean-related businesses and organizations. Through the business incubator, AltaSea will assist the development of over 350 small businesses, create over 700 quality jobs, and lead to the filing of 21-26 patents by participating blue economy businesses by 2021.

Empowering Janitors to Become Sustainability Advocates

The Green Janitor Education Program, sponsored by Service Employees International Union-United Service Workers West, Building Skills Partnership, Building Owners and Managers Association of Greater Los Angeles, and U.S. Green Building Council-Los Angeles trains and empowers janitors to become active sustainability advocates in their workplace and community. Since its inception in 2015, over 1,000 Green Janitors have been certified statewide. Moving forward, the goal is to certify 250 green janitors and engage 20 new buildings in 2019.

Accelerating the Transition to a Low Carbon Economy

AECOM is a global infrastructure firm that works with public and private sector clients to deliver on their environmental and sustainability goals. Proudly headquartered in the city of Los Angeles, with nearly 1,000 employees, AECOM recently surpassed its original 2020 goal of reducing enterprise-wide greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) by 20% and last year, unveiled its new commitment to reduce GHGs by an additional 20% by 2025. Through efforts such as consolidating offices, leveraging more energy efficient office spaces, and shifting to higher efficiency vehicles, AECOM is devoted to accelerating the transition to a low carbon economy and making ambitious GHG reduction targets to aid the transformation.

Developing Sustainable Landscaping Skills

The California Native Plant Landscaper training equips professionals with the specific knowledge and skills they need to extend their client base to service sustainable gardens. The course involves 30 hours of training in native plant identification, plant-appropriate irrigation practices, assessment of conditions and needs from garden establishment to maturity, and how to maximize the value of the training through client relations. Future certification will include an optional promotion of the landscaper by curriculum developers to further increase the value and interest in this training.

Lead by Example

Growing Demand Across the Country for EVs

L.A.s has led the way in converting its municipal fleet to EVs. Taking that leadership a step further, L.A. and its partners initiated the Climate Mayors Electric Vehicles Purchasing Collaborative. This unprecedented collaborative, launched with 19 cities and 2 counties, now up to 43 U.S. cities and 5 counties, seeks to leverage cities’ collective buying power and send a powerful message to the global car industry that electric vehicles are in demand right now across the U.S. The Coalition has committed to purchasing 953 EVs, representing more than $28 million in EV investment, and is working to bring in even more partners.

Working Globally, Acting Locally

C40 cities connects 94 of the world’s greatest cities to take bold action on climate change. Mayor Garcetti has served as Vice Chair of C40 Cities since April 2014. L.A. is an active member of the C40 networks for Climate Change Risk Assessment, Cool Cities, Private Building Efficiency, Mobility Management, Low Emissions Vehicles, Land Use Planning, Transit Oriented Development, Food Systems, and Waste to Resources. As part of this group, L.A. recently signed the Fossil Fuel Free Streets Declaration pledging to procure only zero-emission buses by 2025 and ensure a major area of L.A. will be zero-emission by 2030. L.A. is also a recent signatory to the Advancing Towards Zero Waste Declaration and has committed to achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050. L.A. is a pilot city of the Deadline 2020 Climate Action Planning Program which outlines the pace, scale, and prioritization of action for this pLAn to achieve the Paris Agreement.

Accelerating L.A.'s Carbon Commitments

In October 2018, L.A. was selected a winner by the Bloomberg Philanthropies’ American Cities Climate Challenge based on its innovative, ambitious, and achievable climate action plan. As a Leadership City, L.A. will gain access to powerful new resources and world-leading support to help L.A. meet - or beat - its near term carbon reduction goals.

Thriving in a Hotter LA

A campus-wide, multidisciplinary research collaboration working across over 40 departments and engaging more than 200 faculty members, UCLA’s Sustainable LA Grand Challenge has ambitious implementation goals of 100% renewable energy, 100% local water, and enhanced ecosystem health by 2050 across LA County. UCLA has been working closely with the city to not only ensure that the pLAn goals are aligned with the county goals, but that they are realistic, attainable, and informed by research. By investing in, and conducting, critical research in areas such as locally sourced water, climate science, transportation, and biodiversity, UCLA is a key partner with the city of LA helping to facilitate the region’s sustainable transformation.