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By 2050, L.A. will have a zero carbon grid, zero carbon transportation, zero carbon buildings, zero waste, and zero wasted water — and we’ve developed a series of targets to mark and measure our progress in this fight.


  • LADWP will supply 55% renewable energy by 2025; 80% by 2036; and 100% by 2045
  • Increase cumulative Megawatts (MW) by 2025, 2035, 2050, respectively of:    
    • Local solar to 900-1,500 MW, 1,500-1,800 MW, 1,950 MW
    • Energy storage capacity to 1,654-1,750 MW, 3,000 MW, 4,000 MW
    • Demand response (DR) programs to 234 MW (2025) and 600 MW (2035)
  • Source 70% of L.A.'s water locally* and capture 150,000 acre ft/yr (AFY) of stormwater by 2035
  • Recycle 100% of all wastewater for beneficial reuse* by 2035
  • Build at least 10 new multi-benefit stormwater capture projects by 2025; 100 by 2035; and 200 by 2050
  • Reduce potable water use per capita by 22.5% by 2025; 25% by 2035; and maintain or reduce 2035 per capita water use through 2050
  • Install or refurbish hydration stations at 200 sites, prioritizing municipally-owned buildings and public properties such as parks, by 2035
  • All new buildings will be net zero carbon by 2030; and 100% of buildings will be net zero carbon by 2050
  • Reduce building energy use per sq.ft. for all building types 22% by 2025; 34% by 2035; and 44% by 2050
  • End street homelessness by 2028
  • Increase cumulative new housing unit construction to 150,000 by 2025, and 275,000 units by 2035
  • Ensure  57% of new housing units are built within 1,500 feet of transit by 2025, and 75% by 2035
  • Create or preserve 50,000 income-restricted affordable housing units by 2035 and increase stability for renters
  • Increase the percentage of all trips made by walking, biking, micro-mobility / matched rides or transit to at least 35% by 2025; 50% by 2035; and maintain at least 50% by 2050
  • Reduce VMT per capita by at least 13% by 2025, 39% by 2035, and 45% by 2050
  • Ensure Los Angeles is prepared for Autonomous Vehicles (AV) by the 2028 Olympic and Paralympic Games
  • Increase the percentage of zero emission vehicles in the city to 25% by 2025, 80% by 2035, and 100% by 2050
  • Electrify 100% of Metro and LADOT buses by 2030
  • Reduce port-related GHG emissions by 80% by 2050
  • We will have zero days of unhealthy air quality by 2025
  • Reduce industrial emissions by 38% by 2035; and 82% by 2050
  • Reduce methane leak emissions by 54% by 2035; and 80% by 2050
  • Increase landfill diversion rate to 90% by 2025; 95% by 2035; and 100% by 2050
  • Reduce municipal solid waste generation per capita by at least 15% by 2030, including phasing out single-use plastics by 2028
  • Eliminate organic waste going to landfill by 2028
  • Increase proportion of waste products and recyclables productively reused and/or repurposed within L.A. County to at least 25% by 2025; and 50% by 2035
  • Ensure all low-income Angelenos live within ½ mile of fresh food by 2035
  • Increase the number of urban agriculture sites in L.A. by at least 25% by 2025; and 50% by 2035
  • Prepare for natural disasters by increasing the resiliency of our food systems infrastructure
  • Increase tree canopy in areas of greatest need by at least 50% by 2028
  • Complete or initiate restoration identified in the ‘ARBOR' Plan by 2035
  • Create a fully connected LARiverWay public access system that includes 32 miles of bike paths and trails by 2028
  • Reduce urban/rural temperature differential by at least 1.7 degrees by 2025; and 3 degrees by 2035
  • Ensure proportion of Angelenos living within 1/2 mile of a park or open space is at least 65% by 2025; 75% by 2035; and 100% by 2050
  • Achieve 'no-net loss' of native biodiversity by 2050
  • Improve the raw scores of CalEnviroScreen indicators of L.A. communities in the top 10% by an average of 25% by 2025 and 50% by 2035
  • Reduce the number of annual childhood asthma-related emergency room visits in L.A.'s most contaminated neighborhoods to less than 14 per 1,000 children by 2025 and 8 per 1,000 children by 2035
  • Create 300,000 green jobs by 2035, and 400,000 green jobs by 2050
  • Increase private sector green investment in L.A. by $750 million by 2025, and $2 billion by 2035
  • Eliminate unemployment rate gap between City of L.A. and L.A. County
  • Reduce municipal greenhouse gas emissions 55% by 2025; 65% by 2035; and reach carbon neutral by 2045
  • Reduce municipal energy use 18% by 2025, 35% by 2035, and 44% by 2050
  • Reduce municipal water use by at least 25% by 2025; 30% by 2035
  • Lead on zero waste and achieve a zero waste City Hall by 2025
  • Convert all City fleet vehicles to zero emission where technically feasible by 2028
  • Ensure all new municipally owned buildings and major renovations will be all-electric, effective immediately
  • Reach 2 million Angelenos through outreach, education, and training programs by 2025

*Targets are from the 2019 L.A.'s Green New Deal. They do not reflect recent increases in ambition.